Is Your Cat Behaving Badly?

Is Your Cat Behaving Badly?

If your cat is anything like mine then he or she loves to scratch at all kinds of things, things that you really do not want to see scratched up. Cats are one of the most amazing and wonderful pets to own but they can wreak havoc if you let them. You need to learn some techniques to keep the cats from their bad behavior.

Male cats tend to be the most trouble some of the species because they are the ones that are prone to spray. Spraying is one of the most terrible of all cat behaviors. This is a process of literally peeing on anything and everything. They spew urine out behind them in order to mark what they feel is their territory. The best way to treat this behavior is before it starts. The younger that you get your cat neutered the less likely he is to spray as he gets older. People are getting their cats fixed as early as 12 weeks.

If you are worried about getting your cat fixed this young talk to your vet and do some good research online. This is the age that the SPCA is getting this done on the cats that have take in. This is the best way to nip bad cat behavior in the bud, especially spraying.

Of course the most common cat problem of all is scratching. If your cat is scratching the furniture and you, any you have tried just about everything else you should give nail caps a try. These are little tiny caps that go over the end of the nails. They glue on like Press on Nails and they do not hurt your cat in any way. They do not even interfere with the claws ability withdraw into the paw. They are the perfect and painless way to keep your cat from doing any damage with his or her claws. Of course these are only for indoor cats.

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